This mod from “Absolute Beginner’s Guide To Minecraft Mods Programming, second edition” by Rogers Cadenhead will spawn a wolf when the player types the command “/petwolf”
The first thing to notice is that the starter code is MISSING an important line of code. The starter code below will spawn a wolf at the player’s location and set the collar color to pink. The starter code does NOT set the player to be the owner of the wolf.
Check the Spigot API documentation for the Wolf class and look for one of the Tameable methods that lets you change the owner.
Check the Spigot API for the DyeColor class for a list of the class constants (for example DyeColor.PINK), create an array of type DyeColor that contains several colors, and randomly select a DyeColor from the list.
The Wolf class lists the methods that can change a wolf’s custom name (look at the Nameable methods). Create an array of dog names, randomly select a name and use substring to get only the first half, randomly select a name and use substring to get only the second half, then set the wolf’s custom name to be the first half concatenated with the second half. This should generate interesting names like Coodo (Cooper + Fido), Root (Rover + Spot), Fiper (Fido + Cooper), Coover (Cooper + Rover), Fiot (Fido + Spot), Fiver (Fido + Rover) and Rodo (Rover + Fido).
package com.javaminecraft;
import java.util.logging.*;
import org.bukkit.*;
import org.bukkit.command.*;
import org.bukkit.entity.*;
public class PetWolf extends JavaPlugin {
public static final Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command command,
String label, String[] arguments) {
if (label.equalsIgnoreCase("petwolf")) {
if (sender instanceof Player) {
// get the player
Player me = (Player) sender;
// get the player's current location
Location spot = me.getLocation();
// get the game world
World world = me.getWorld();
// spawn one wolf
Wolf wolf = world.spawn(spot, Wolf.class);
// set the color of its collar
wolf.setCollarColor(DyeColor.PINK);"[PetWolf] Howl!");
return true;
return false;