On Saturday, April 6th Capital University will be hosting it’s first annual Student Music Tech Workshop in conjunction with TI:ME and the AES Capital University Student Chapter. There will be a wide variety of lectures, presentations, and hands on workshops. Topics will include studio recording, live sound, sound for picture, Pro Tools HD, Max/MSP, Ableton Live, Logic Pro, iOS music apps, mastering, acoustics, and more.

Highlighting the event will be sessions by Grammy Award-winning producer and engineer Luke Wooten. Luke works at Station West in Nashville and will be giving a lecture on working in the industry, as well as an in-depth workshop on using Melodyne.

This is a free event. All that you need to do is register. Spots are limited so be sure to claim your's today by visiting http://bit.ly/MusicTechWorkshop


Theremin GIF

March 22, 2013

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Keytar GIF

March 22, 2013

Yamaha Keytar animated gifYamaha Keytar animated gifYamaha Keytar animated gif