Optical Scan Results on the Smithsonian Volta Laboratory Collection

source: Volta.


0-5 seconds: inaudible

5-12.5 seconds: “and H.G. Rogers.  It’s the eleventh day of March, eighteen hundred and eighty five”

12.5-13.5 sec:  load burst of a tone (680 Hz, E5)

13.5 – 15.4 sec: sounds like (?) “who pushed in the pipe”

15.4 – 21.4: “Mary had a little lamb and its fleece was white as snow. Everywhere that Mary went”

21.4 – 23.6 sounds like “oh no!” or some sort of regret

24-25.4 sec: chirp tone, frequency modulated from high to low

25.4 – 33.8 “Mary had a little lamb and its fleece was white as snow.  Everywhere that Mary went, the little lamb was sure to go”

33.8-36 sec: some five words not identified

36 – 37.17 inaudible word followed by a chirp tone low to high


source: Volta.