<<setback images/cavepanorama01.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave01">><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>>A beam of light shines down from above, where the floor collapsed beneath you.\nThere are three tunnels. Which way do you want to go?\n\n[[Left|cave06]]\n[[Right|cave04]]\n[[Middle|cave02]]\n\n<<display "you have">><<endif>>
<<setback images/cavepanorama03.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave03">><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<if $randomKeyLocation eq 3>><<if $hammer eq 0>>There is a large [[sledge hammer]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>>There are three tunnels. Which way do you want to go?\n\n[[Left|cave04]]\n[[Right|cave08]]\n[[Middle|cave07]]\n\n<<display "you have">><<endif>>
<<setback images/cavepanorama02.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave02">><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<if $randomKeyLocation eq 2>><<if $hammer eq 0>>There is a large [[sledge hammer]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>>There are three tunnels. Which way do you want to go?\n\n[[Left|cave07]]\n[[Right|cave05]]\n[[Middle|cave11]]\n\n<<display "you have">><<endif>>
<<setback images/cavepanorama05.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave05">><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<if $randomKeyLocation eq 5>><<if $hammer eq 0>>There is a large [[sledge hammer]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation eq 11) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 12)>><<if $firstaidkit eq 1>>There is a [[first aid kit]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation eq 3) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 4) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 10)>><<if $hint eq 1>>There is a [[piece of paper|hint]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>>There are three tunnels. Which way do you want to go?\n\n[[Left|cave02]]\n[[Right|cave09]]\n[[Middle|cave06]]\n\n<<display "you have">><<endif>>
<<setback images/cavepanorama04.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave04">><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<if $randomKeyLocation eq 4>><<if $hammer eq 0>>There is a large [[sledge hammer]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>>There are three tunnels. Which way do you want to go?\n\n[[Left|cave01]]\n[[Right|cave03]]\n[[Middle|cave10]]\n\n<<display "you have">><<endif>>
<<setback images/cavepanorama07.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave07">><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<if ($randomKeyLocation eq 7) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 1)>><<if $hammer eq 0>>There is a large [[sledge hammer]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation eq 5) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 6)>><<if $firstaidkit eq 1>>There is a [[first aid kit]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation eq 8) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 9) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 11)>><<if $hint eq 1>>There is a [[piece of paper|hint]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>>There are three tunnels. Which way do you want to go?\n\n[[Left|cave10]]\n[[Right|cave02]]\n[[Middle|cave08]]\n\n<<display "you have">><<endif>>
<<if $roomTracker eq "Mr Kelley tied up">>You try rubbing the snot-filled tissues on the silk, but you're just getting snot everywhere. Maybe you could try to use something sharp to cut through the rope-like silk? [[Return]]<<else>><<if $roomTracker is "cave12">>You try smacking the snot-filled tissues against the boulder but it's no use. You need to hit the boulder with something big and heavy!<<if $hammer is 0>> Keep exploring the cave and maybe you'll find something!<<endif>> [[Return]]<<else>>\nYou use the snot-filled tissues to blow your nose and then put them back in your pocket.[[Return]]\n<<endif>><<endif>>
<<setback images/zena8bit.jpg>><<set $roomTracker = "Mr. Zeke's Room">><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<display "shakey">>\n<<once>>Mr. Zeke's Room is empty.<<becomes>>You are back in Mr. Zeke's Room. It is still empty.<<endonce>>\n<<if $randomKeyLocation eq 11>><<if $key eq 0>>\nThere is a large [[key]] on his desk.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if $randomKeyLocation eq 12>><<if $key eq 0>>\nThere is a large [[key]] on his desk.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation+3 eq 12) or ($randomKeyLocation+3 eq 13)>><<if $firstaidkit eq 1>>There is a [[first aid kit]] on his desk.<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $tooth eq 0>>\nEww! Someone's [[tooth]] is on the floor!!! Gross!\n<<endif>>\n<<display "pick1">><<endif>>
<<setback images/cavepanorama08.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave08">><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<if ($randomKeyLocation eq 8) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 12)>><<if $hammer eq 0>>There is a large [[sledge hammer]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation eq 9) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 10)>><<if $firstaidkit eq 1>>There is a [[first aid kit]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>>There are three tunnels. Which way do you want to go?\n\n[[Left|cave03]]\n[[Right|cave10]]\n[[Middle|cave04]]\n\n<<display "you have">><<endif>>
|[[Punch|use punch]]|[[Kick|use kick]]|<<if $scissors gt 0>>[[Scissors|use scissors]]<<endif>>|<<if $arrowhead gt 0>>[[Arrowhead|use arrowhead]]<<endif>>|<<if $stapler gt 0>>[[Stapler|use stapler]]<<endif>>|<<if $tooth gt 0>>[[Tooth|use tooth]]<<endif>>|<<if $tissues gt 0>>[[Tissues|use tissues]]<<endif>>|<<if $bandaid gt 0>>[[Bandaid|use bandaid]]<<endif>>|<<if $gymsocks gt 0>>[[Socks|use gym socks]]<<endif>>|<<if $hammer gt 0>>[[Hammer|use sledge hammer]]<<endif>>|<<if $owlcall gt 0>>[[Owl Call|use owl call]]<<endif>>|
You use the arrowhead to cut through the spider silk! It takes a little time but soon you've uncovered Mr. Kelley's mouth. "<<$name>>! Thank goodness you came! I almost got to review the arachnid anatomy FROM THE INSIDE! Anyway... I've discovered [[SOMETHING REALLY FACINATING]]!"
<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss background">><<else>><<display "enemy image">><<endif>>\n<<set $hit = 12 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*6)>><<set $enemyHealth -= $hit>><<set $bossHealth -= $hit>><<set $points += $hit>>You SLAP the spider with the sweaty gym socks. Gross! //-<<$hit>>//\n<<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*(10-$level)) eq 1>>You accidentally dropped the gym socks and lost them.<<silently>><<set $gymsocks -= 2>><<set $inv.splice($inv.indexOf(" [[someone's sweaty gym socks]]"),1)>><<endsilently>><<endif>>\n<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss hit">><<else>><<display "enemy hit">><<endif>>
.revision-span-in {\n\topacity: 0;\n}\n.revision-span:not(.revision-span-out) {\n\ttransition: 1s; -webkit-transition: 1s;\n}\n.revision-span-out {\n\tposition:absolute;\n\topacity: 0;\n}
<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss background">><<else>><<display "enemy image">><<endif>>\n<<set $hit = 12 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*6)>><<set $enemyHealth -= $hit>><<set $bossHealth -= $hit>><<set $points += $hit>>You SLAP the spider with the snot-filled tissues. Gross! //-<<$hit>>//\n<<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*(10-$level)) eq 1>>You accidentally dropped the tissues and lost them.<<silently>><<set $tissues -= 2>><<set $inv.splice($inv.indexOf(" [[some snot-filled tissues]]"),1)>><<endsilently>><<endif>>\n<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss hit">><<else>><<display "enemy hit">><<endif>>
<<if visited(passage()) eq 1>><<silently>><<set $hint = 0>><<endsilently>>The piece of paper says, //"Here's a hint... <<if $randomHint is 1>>Collect every item that you can. Items can be used as weapons or can give you health. The bandaid can do both.<<endif>><<if $randomHint is 2>>Some weapons are more powerful than others. Unfortunately, the more powerful the weapon, the easier it is to break/drop. Save the most powerful weapons for as long as you can.<<endif>><<if $randomHint is 3>>The arrowhead and the scissors can be used to pry open a teacher's desk or to cut through rope-like material.<<endif>><<if $randomHint is 4>>In some games, kicking does more damage than punching. In other games, the opposite is true.<<endif>><<if $randomHint is 5>>The sledge hammer is a unique weapon. It's indestructable (you can't break/drop it) until after you've used it to smash through the boulder.<<endif>><<if $randomHint is 6>>If you still have the arrowhead or the scissors towards the end of the game, you can use them to cut through something rope-like and you will receive a VERY powerful weapon.<<endif>><<if $randomHint is 7>>Don't underestimate the used bandaid, used tissues, and the gym socks. On average, these weapons are actually more powerful than the sledge hammer.<<endif>><<if $randomHint is 8>>There are four ways to get more health: two first aid kits, one suit of armor, and the bandaid. When not in a battle, clicking on the bandaid lets you to use it to heal.<<endif>><<if $randomHint is 9>>Time is an important part of your score. Complete the game as quickly as possible for the highest score.<<endif>><<set $points += 50>>"//<<endif>>\n[[Return]]
"Minor worker ants, or simply 'workers', are the most common ant found in any colony. These sterile female ants are the smallest ant, but they do the most work. Some workers look after the queen and brood, some forage for food from around the nest, whilst others maintain and expand the nest. Workers can live between a few months and up to five years."\n\n"Several species of spider including Achaearanea Wau and Anelosimus Eximius swarm in an analogous way to ants, bees and wasps."\n\n<<return>>
<<setback images/cavepanorama06.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave06">><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<if $randomKeyLocation eq 6>><<if $hammer eq 0>>There is a large [[sledge hammer]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation eq 1) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 2)>><<if $firstaidkit eq 1>>There is a [[first aid kit]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>>There are three tunnels. Which way do you want to go?\n\n[[Left|cave11]]\n[[Right|cave01]]\n[[Middle|cave09]]\n\n<<display "you have">><<endif>>
<<if $roomTracker eq "Mr Kelley tied up">>You try using the tooth to cut apart the silk, but the tooth is just too dull. Maybe you could try to use something sharp to cut through the rope-like silk? [[Return]]<<else>><<if $roomTracker is "cave12">>You try smacking the tooth against the boulder but it's no use. You need to hit the boulder with something big and heavy!<<if $hammer is 0>> Keep exploring the cave and maybe you'll find something!<<endif>> [[Return]]<<else>>\nYou take the tooth out of your pocket, but you can't use it, so you put it back in your pocket.[[Return]]\n<<endif>><<endif>>
"What if I defeat the spider queen?" you ask.\n\n"When an ant colony loses its queen, whether through old age, rebellion, human interaction, or tragic natural circumstances, [[the colony is pretty much doomed]]."
<<setback images/cavepanorama09.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave09">><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<if ($randomKeyLocation eq 9)>><<if $hammer eq 0>>There is a large [[sledge hammer]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation eq 3) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 4)>><<if $firstaidkit eq 1>>There is a [[first aid kit]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation eq 1) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 7) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 12)>><<if $hint eq 1>>There is a [[piece of paper|hint]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>>There are three tunnels. Which way do you want to go?\n\n[[Left|cave05]]\n[[Right|cave12]]\n[[Middle|cave02]]\n\n<<display "you have">><<endif>>
<img src="images/science.gif">\n"...this hypothesis that through selective breeding, spiders could be tamed... or even... domesticated. After a few rounds of selective breeding, the spiders remained hostile to humans, but became more social to each other and eventually aggregated into [[an ant-like swarm]]! It was scientifically ground-breaking!"
//+25 health//\n[[Return]]<<set $firstaidkit -=1>><<set $health +=25>><<set $points +=25>>
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."+rname),cannext,canprev,i,ind,r,fl;\nfor(i=0;i<rall.length;i++){r=rall[i],fl=r.getAttribute("data-flavour");\nif(insideDepartingSpan(r)){continue}if(fl=="cycle"){cannext=canprev=true\n}else{if(r.firstChild.getAttribute("data-enabled")==!1+""){canprev=true\n}if(r.lastChild.getAttribute("data-enabled")==!1+""){cannext=true\n}}}var can=(l.classList.contains("revert")?canprev:cannext);(can?enableLink:disableLink)(l)\n}function toggleText(w){w.classList.toggle(rl+"Enabled");w.classList.toggle(rl+"Disabled");\nw.style.display=((w.style.display=="none")?"inline":"none")}var rl="reviseLink";\nif(c.length<2){throwError(a,b+" macro needs 2 parameters");return\n}rname=c.shift().replace(" ","_");l=Wikifier.createInternalLink(a,null);\nl.className="internalLink "+rl+" "+rl+"_"+rname+" "+b;var v="";\nvar end=false;var out=false;if(c.length>1&&c[0][0]=="$"){v=c[0].slice(1);\nc.shift()}switch(c[c.length-1]){case"end":end=true;c.pop();break;\ncase"out":out=true;c.pop();break}var h=state.history[0].variables;\nfor(var i=0;i<c.length;i++){var on=(i==Math.max(c.indexOf(h[v]),0));\nvar d=insertElement(null,"span",null,rl+((on)?"En":"Dis")+"abled");\nif(on){h[v]=c[i];l.setAttribute("data-cycle",i)}else{d.style.display="none"\n}insertText(d,c[i]);l.appendChild(d)}l.onclick=function(){reviseAll(b,rname);\nvar t=this.childNodes,u=this.getAttribute("data-cycle")-0,m=t.length,n,lall,i;\nif((end||out)&&u==m-(end?2:1)){if(end){n=this.removeChild(t[u+1]);\nn.className=rl+"End";n.style.display="inline";this.parentNode.replaceChild(n,this)\n}else{this.parentNode.removeChild(this);return}}else{toggleText(t[u]);\nu=(u+1)%m;if(v){h[v]=c[u]}toggleText(t[u]);this.setAttribute("data-cycle",u)\n}lall=document.getElementsByClassName(rl+"_"+rname);for(i=0;i<lall.length;\ni++){updateLink(lall[i])}};disableLink(l);setTimeout(function(){updateLink(l);\nl=null},1)}};macros.mouserevise=macros.hoverrevise={handler:function(a,b,c,d){var endtags=["end"+b],evt=(window.onmouseenter===null?"onmouseenter":"onmouseover"),t=tagcontents(d,[b],endtags,endtags,d.source.indexOf(">>",d.matchStart)+2);\nif(t){var rname=c[0].replace(" ","_"),h=insertElement(a,"span",null,"hoverrevise hoverrevise_"+rname),f=function(){var done=!reviseAll("revise",rname);\nif(b!="hoverrevise"&&done){this[evt]=null}};new Wikifier(h,t[0]);\nif(b=="hoverrevise"){h.onmouseover=f;h.onmouseout=function(){reviseAll("revert",rname)\n}}else{h[evt]=f}h=null}}};macros.instantrevise={handler:function(a,b,c,d){reviseAll("revise",c[0].replace(" ","_"))\n}};macros.endmouserevise=nullobj;macros.endhoverrevise=nullobj\n}());
<<if visited(passage()) eq 1>><<silently>><<set $stapler = 1>><<set $inv.push(" [[a stapler]]")>><<endsilently>>\nYou pick up the stapler and put it in your pocket.\n[[Return]]<<set $points += 100>><<endif>>
<<set $diceroll = Math.ceil(Math.random()*5)>><<set $money = $money + $diceroll>><<set $scissors -= 2>><<set $inv.splice($inv.indexOf(" [[a pair of scissors]]"),1)>>You found $<<$diceroll>> in the teacher's desk. Unfortunately, you broke the scissors in the process.\n<<display "Building A">>
try { \n macros['display'].handler = function (a,b,c,d){ \n try { \n new \nWikifier(a,tale.get(eval(d.fullArgs())).text) \n } catch(e) { \n new Wikifier(a,tale.get(c[0]).text) \n } \n } \n} catch(e) { throwError(place,"Error in Custom Macros Code!"); }
<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss background">><<else>><<display "enemy image">><<endif>>\n<<set $hit = 12 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*6)>><<set $enemyHealth -= $hit>><<set $bossHealth -= $hit>><<set $points += $hit>>You SLAP the spider with the used bandaid. Gross! //-<<$hit>>//\n<<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*(10-$level)) eq 1>>You accidentally dropped the bandaid and lost it.<<silently>><<set $bandaid -= 2>><<set $inv.splice($inv.indexOf(" [[someone's used bandaid]]"),1)>><<endsilently>><<endif>>\n<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss hit">><<else>><<display "enemy hit">><<endif>>
You blow into the owl call, but nothing happens.\n[[Return]]
<<setback images/abdiaziz8bit.jpg>><<set $roomTracker = "Miss Abigail's Room">><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*5) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<display "shakey">>\n<<once>>Miss Abigail's Room is empty.<<becomes>>You are back in Miss Abigail's Room. It is still empty.<<endonce>>\n<<if $randomKeyLocation eq 1>><<if $key eq 0>>\nThere is a large [[key]] on her desk.\n<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $scissors eq 0>>\nThere is a pair of [[scissors]] on her desk.\n<<endif>>\n<<display "pick1">><<endif>>
You use the scissors to cut through the spider silk! It takes a little time but soon you've uncovered Mr. Kelley's mouth. "<<$name>>! Thank goodness you came! I almost got to review the arachnid anatomy FROM THE INSIDE! Anyway... I've discovered [[SOMETHING REALLY FACINATING]]!"
"Soldier ants are also known as major workers or big heads. These sterile female ants are larger and stronger than typical workers. They protect their colony from large predators and use their strength and large jaws or mandibles to cut and carry larger objects."\n\n"Several species of spider including Achaearanea Wau and Anelosimus Eximius swarm in an analogous way to ants, bees and wasps."\n\n<<return>>
<img src="images/science01.gif">\n"Ok... well, most spiders are solitary creatures and will even show aggression towards other members of their own species," he continues. "We were working with [[this hypothesis]]..."
<<setback images/shahira8bit.jpg>><<set $roomTracker = "Mr. Shaquille's Room">><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*5) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<display "shakey">>\n<<once>>Mr. Shaquille's Room is empty.<<becomes>>You are back in Mr. Shaquille's Room. It is still empty.<<endonce>>\n<<if $randomKeyLocation eq 3>><<if $key eq 0>>\nThere is a large [[key]] on hia desk.\n<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $armor eq 0>>\nThere is a medival coat of [[armor]] next to his desk.\n<<endif>>\n<<display "pick1">><<endif>>
<<set $level = 4>><<set $bossHealth=100>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $points += 500>><<set $roomTracker = "cave16">><<display "boss background">><<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*2) eq 1>><<playsound "audio/sfx1.mp3">><<else>><<playsound "audio/sfx2.mp3">><<endif>>\nYOU'VE FOUND THE SPIDER QUEEN!\n<<display "boss hit">>
<<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*2) eq 1>><img src="images/spidey02.gif"><<else>><img src="images/spidey01.gif"><<endif>>
<<silently>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "Building A">><<endsilently>><<if $roomCounter lt $attackpause>><<setback images/buildinga8bit.jpg>><<display "shakey">>\nYou are standing in the hallway of Building A at Sundown Academy.\n<<display "pick1">><<else>><<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) gt 1>><<setback images/buildinga8bit.jpg>><<display "shakey">>\nYou are standing in the hallway of Building A at Sundown Academy.\n<<display "pick1">><<else>><<display "fight">>\n<<endif>>\n<<endif>>
<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss background">><<else>><<display "enemy image">><<endif>>\n<<set $hit = Math.ceil(Math.random()*28)>><<set $enemyHealth -= $hit>><<set $bossHealth -= $hit>><<set $points += $hit>>You SMACK the spider with the sledge hammer. //-<<$hit>>//\n<<if ($level gt 2) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*(9-$level)) eq 1)>>You accidentally dropped the sledge hammer and lost it.<<silently>><<set $hammer -= 2>><<set $inv.push(" [[a sledge hammer]]")>><<endsilently>><<endif>>\n<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss hit">><<else>><<display "enemy hit">><<endif>>
<<setback images/tabassum8bit.jpg>><<set $roomTracker = "Mr. Tubman's Room">><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<display "shakey">>\n<<once>>Mr. Tubman's Room is empty.<<becomes>>You are back in Mr. Tubman's Room. It is still empty.<<endonce>>\n<<if $randomKeyLocation eq 7>><<if $key eq 0>>\nThere is a large [[key]] on his desk.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if $randomKeyLocation eq 8>><<if $key eq 0>>\nThere is a large [[key]] on his desk.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation+3 eq 8) or ($randomKeyLocation+3 eq 9)>><<if $firstaidkit eq 1>>There is a [[first aid kit]] on his desk.<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $tissues eq 0>>\nGross. There are some snot-filled, used [[tissues]] on the floor.\n<<endif>>\n<<display "pick1">><<endif>>
<<setback>>The door is locked.\nDo you want to use the key to try to open Principal Redwood's Office?\n@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Return]] @@ @@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Use it|cave0]] @@
<<set $time = (new Date().getTime()-$time)*0.00001>><<set $points = Math.ceil((($points+$health+$money+$roomCounter)/$time)*$level)>>Your score: <<$points>>\n<html><div class="ss-form"><form action="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QBuGORqy__91BBFmShc_EZYqK4jVBwVBd8mp5k9pQVM/formResponse" method="POST" id="ss-form" target="_self" onsubmit=""><ol role="list" class="ss-question-list" style="padding-left: 0">\n<div class="ss-form-question errorbox-good" role="listitem">\n<div dir="ltr" class="ss-item ss-text"><div class="ss-form-entry">\n<label class="ss-q-item-label" for="entry_892881495"><div class="ss-q-title">\n</div>\n<div class="ss-q-help ss-secondary-text" dir="ltr"></div></label>\n<input type="hidden" name="entry.892881495" value="" class="ss-q-short" id="entry_892881495" dir="auto" aria-label="Name: " title="">\n<div class="error-message"></div>\n</div></div></div> <div class="ss-form-question errorbox-good" role="listitem">\n<div dir="ltr" class="ss-item ss-text"><div class="ss-form-entry">\n<label class="ss-q-item-label" for="entry_515172766"><div class="ss-q-title">\n</div>\n<div class="ss-q-help ss-secondary-text" dir="ltr"></div></label>\n<input type="hidden" name="entry.515172766" value="" class="ss-q-short" id="entry_515172766" dir="auto" aria-label="Score: " title="">\n<div class="error-message"></div>\n</div></div></div>\n<input type="hidden" name="draftResponse" value="[,,"3539647121836391273"]\n">\n<input type="hidden" name="pageHistory" value="0">\n\n\n<input type="hidden" name="fbzx" value="3539647121836391273">\n\n<div class="ss-item ss-navigate"><table id="navigation-table"><tbody><tr><td class="ss-form-entry goog-inline-block" id="navigation-buttons" dir="ltr">\n<input type="submit" name="submit" value="High Scores" id="ss-submit">\n</td>\n</tr></tbody></table></div></ol></form></div></html><<googleForms $name $points>>
\n// the screenShake macro. Adapted from Emmanuel Turner's article on creating Twine macros. http://eturnerx.blogspot.com/2012/12/how-to-create-custom-macros-in-twine.html\ntry {\n version.extensions['screenShakeMacro'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 0,\n revision: 0\n };\n macros['screenShake'] = {\n handler: function (place, macroName, params, parser) {\n var time = parseInt(params[0]);\n if (typeof time !== 'number') {\n time = 0;\n }\n\nvar el = document.body;\n baz = el;\n console.log(baz[0]);\n document.body.className = 'shake';\n if (time > 0) {\n setTimeout(function(){document.body.className = ''}, time);\n };\n\n // we're overriding the fade function. It behaves as usual except it runs screenShake() if time >= 0.\n fade = function (el, options) {\n var current;\n var proxy = el.cloneNode(true);\n var direction = (options.fade == 'in') ? 1 : -1;\n \n el.parentNode.replaceChild(proxy, el);\n \n if (options.fade == 'in') {\n current = 0;\n proxy.style.visibility = 'visible';\n } else current = 1;\n \n setOpacity(proxy, current);\n var interval = window.setInterval(tick, 25);\n \n function tick() {\n current += 0.05 * direction;\n \n setOpacity(proxy, Math.easeInOut(current));\n \n if (((direction == 1) && (current >= 1)) || ((direction == -1) && (current <= 0))) {\n console.log('swapping fader proxy out');\n el.style.visibility = (options.fade == 'in') ? 'visible' : 'hidden';\n proxy.parentNode.replaceChild(el, proxy);\n delete proxy;\n window.clearInterval(interval);\n \n if (options.onComplete) options.onComplete();\n \n if (time >= 0) {\n\n time = -1;\n }\n \n }\n };\n \n function setOpacity(el, opacity) {\n var percent = Math.floor(opacity * 100);\n \n // IE\n el.style.zoom = 1;\n el.style.filter = 'alpha(opacity=' + percent + ')';\n \n // CSS 3\n el.style.opacity = opacity;\n };\n };\n },\n init: function () {},\n };\n} catch (e) {\n throwError(place, "screenShake Setup Error: " + e.message);\n}
<<if $roomTracker eq "Mr Kelley tied up">>\n<<else>><<if $roomTracker is "cave12">>You try smacking the sweathy gym socks against the boulder but it's no use. You need to hit the boulder with something big and heavy!<<if $hammer is 0>> Keep exploring the cave and maybe you'll find something!<<endif>> [[Return]]<<else>>\nYou take the sweaty gym socks out of your pocket, but you can't use them, so you put them back in your pocket.[[Return]]\n<<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $roomCounter eq 5>><<screenShake 300>><<endif>><<if $roomCounter eq 6>><<screenShake 350>><<endif>><<if $roomCounter eq 7>><<screenShake 400>><<endif>><<if $roomCounter eq 8>><<screenShake 700>>"What was that shaking?!" You say to yourself.<<endif>><<if $roomCounter eq 9>><<screenShake 1000>>"DID ANYONE ELSE FEEL THE BUILDING SHAKING?!" You yell. No one answers. "Maybe I'm just imagining it," you say to yourself.<<endif>><<if $roomCounter eq 10>><<screenShake 1400>>"EARTHQUAKE!!!" You yell. No one answers. The shaking seems to have stopped.<<endif>><<if $roomCounter eq 11>><<screenShake 1200>><<endif>><<if $roomCounter eq 12>><<screenShake 1000>><<endif>><<if $roomCounter eq 13>><<screenShake 800>><<endif>><<if $roomCounter eq 14>><<screenShake 600>><<endif>><<if $roomCounter eq 15>><<screenShake 400>><<endif>>
<<if visited(passage()) eq 1>><<silently>><<set $hammer = 1>><<set $inv.push(" [[a sledge hammer]]")>><<endsilently>>\nYou pick up the sledge hammer.<<set $points += 100>><<unmutesound "audio/track4.mp3">><<endif>>\n[[Return]]
<<if visited(passage()) eq 1>><<silently>><<set $gymsocks = 1>><<set $inv.push(" [[someone's sweaty gym socks]]")>><<endsilently>>\nYou pick up the sweaty gym socks and put them in your pocket.\n[[Return]]<<set $points += 100>><<endif>>
<<if visited(passage()) eq 1>><<silently>><<set $key = 1>><<unmutesound "audio/track2.mp3">><<set $inv.push(" a key")>><<endsilently>>\nYou pick up the key and put it in your pocket.\n[[Return]]<<set $points += 100>><<endif>>
@keyframes shakeit {\n 0% { transform: translate(2px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t10% { transform: translate(-1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); }\n\t20% { transform: translate(-3px, 0px) rotate(1deg); }\n\t30% { transform: translate(0px, 2px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t40% { transform: translate(1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); }\n\t50% { transform: translate(-1px, 2px) rotate(-1deg); }\n\t60% { transform: translate(-3px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t70% { transform: translate(2px, 1px) rotate(-1deg); }\n\t80% { transform: translate(-1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); }\n\t90% { transform: translate(2px, 2px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t100% { transform: translate(1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); }\n}\n \n@-o-keyframes shakeit {\n\t0% { -o-transform: translate(2px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t10% { -o-transform: translate(-1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); }\n\t20% { -o-transform: translate(-3px, 0px) rotate(1deg); }\n\t30% { -o-transform: translate(0px, 2px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t40% { -o-transform: translate(1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); }\n\t50% { -o-transform: translate(-1px, 2px) rotate(-1deg); }\n\t60% { -o-transform: translate(-3px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t70% { -o-transform: translate(2px, 1px) rotate(-1deg); }\n\t80% { -o-transform: translate(-1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); }\n\t90% { -o-transform: translate(2px, 2px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t100% { -o-transform: translate(1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); }\n}\n \n@-webkit-keyframes shakeit {\n\t0% { -webkit-transform: translate(2px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t10% { -webkit-transform: translate(-1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); }\n\t20% { -webkit-transform: translate(-3px, 0px) rotate(1deg); }\n\t30% { -webkit-transform: translate(0px, 2px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t40% { -webkit-transform: translate(1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); }\n\t50% { -webkit-transform: translate(-1px, 2px) rotate(-1deg); }\n\t60% { -webkit-transform: translate(-3px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t70% { -webkit-transform: translate(2px, 1px) rotate(-1deg); }\n\t80% { -webkit-transform: translate(-1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); }\n\t90% { -webkit-transform: translate(2px, 2px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t100% { -webkit-transform: translate(1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); }\n}\n \n@-moz-keyframes shakeit {\n\t0% { -moz-transform: translate(2px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t10% { -moz-transform: translate(-1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); }\n\t20% { -moz-transform: translate(-3px, 0px) rotate(1deg); }\n\t30% { -moz-transform: translate(0px, 2px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t40% { -moz-transform: translate(1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); }\n\t50% { -moz-transform: translate(-1px, 2px) rotate(-1deg); }\n\t60% { -moz-transform: translate(-3px, 1px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t70% { -moz-transform: translate(2px, 1px) rotate(-1deg); }\n\t80% { -moz-transform: translate(-1px, -1px) rotate(1deg); }\n\t90% { -moz-transform: translate(2px, 2px) rotate(0deg); }\n\t100% { -moz-transform: translate(1px, -2px) rotate(-1deg); }\n}\n \n.shake {\n\t-webkit-animation-name: shakeit;\n\t-webkit-animation-duration: 0.8s;\n\t-webkit-transform-origin:50% 50%;\n\t-webkit-animation-iteration-count: infinite;\n\t-webkit-animation-timing-function: linear;\n -moz-animation-name: shakeit;\n\t-moz-animation-duration: 0.8s;\n\t-moz-transform-origin:50% 50%;\n\t-moz-animation-iteration-count: infinite;\n\t-moz-animation-timing-function: linear;\n -o-animation-name: shakeit;\n\t-o-animation-duration: 0.8s;\n\t-o-transform-origin:50% 50%;\n\t-o-animation-iteration-count: infinite;\n\t-o-animation-timing-function: linear;\n animation-name: shakeit;\n\tanimation-duration: 0.8s;\n\ttransform-origin:50% 50%;\n\tanimation-iteration-count: infinite;\n\tanimation-timing-function: linear;\n}\n.shake {\n\t/*display:inline-block*/\n}
<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss background">><<else>><<display "enemy image">><<endif>>\n<<set $hit = 20 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*10)>><<set $enemyHealth -= $hit>><<set $bossHealth -= $hit>><<set $points += $hit>>You SLASH the spider with the arrowhead! //-<<$hit>>//\n<<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*(8-$level)) eq 1>>The arrowhead is broken.<<silently>><<set $arrowhead -= 2>><<set $inv.splice($inv.indexOf(" [[a Native American arrowhead]]"),1)>><<endsilently>><<endif>>\n<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss hit">><<else>><<display "enemy hit">><<endif>>
<<if ($roomTracker is "Miss Abigail's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Miss McKayla's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Mr. Shaquille's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Mr. Randy's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Mr. Remy's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Mr. Tubman's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Mr. Kelley's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Mr. Zeke's Room" )>>\nUse the scissors to try to pry open the teacher's desk?\n@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Return]] @@ @@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Use it|pry scissors]]@@\n<<else>><<if $roomTracker is "cave12">>You try to use the scissors to hack away at the boulder but it's no use. You need to hit the boulder with something big and heavy!<<if $hammer is 0>> Keep exploring the cave and maybe you'll find something!<<endif>> [[Return]]<<else>><<if $roomTracker is "Mr Kelley tied up">><<display "Free Mr Kelley with scissors">><<else>>You take the scissors out of your pocket, but you can't use them, so you put them back in your pocket.[[Return]]\n<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>
@font-face {font-family: 'Press Start 2P';src:url('PressStart2P-Regular.ttf') format('ttf');}@import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Press+Start+2P);\n@font-face {\n font-family: 'Press Start 2P';\n font-style: normal;\n font-weight: 400;\n src: local('Press Start 2P'), local('PressStart2P-Regular'), url(http://themes.googleusercontent.com/static/fonts/pressstart2p/v2/8Lg6LX8-ntOHUQnvQ0E7o2jf3WypfQQP02nP_ZmoBRo.woff) format('woff');\n}\n#passages {\n position:relative;\n width: 100%;\n width: 100vw;\nmax-width:1280px !important;\n margin:0 auto 0 auto;\n padding:0;\n border:0;\n transition: height 2s; -webkit-transition:height 2s;\n\tfont-family: 'Press Start 2P', sans-serif !important;\n\tfont-size:12px;\n}\n.passage {\nfont-family: 'Press Start 2P', sans-serif !important;\n width: 90vw;\n width:90%;\n color:white;\n margin:0 auto 0 auto;\n padding:2em 2.5em;\n text-align:left;\n}\nli a.internalLink, li a.externalLink, #ss-submit{\n\tfont-family: 'Press Start 2P', sans-serif !important;\n}\na.internalLink, a.externalLink{\n color:#9278c0;\n\tfont-family: 'Press Start 2P', sans-serif !important;\n}\na.internalLink:hover, a.externalLink:hover {\n color:yellow;\n}\n\n.passage blockquote {\n border: 1px dashed gray;\n padding: 1em;\n}\n.passage table{\nmargin:0 !important;\n}\n.header {\n height: 0px;\ndisplay:none !important;\n}\nbody {\n background-color:black;\n\tbackground-repeat:no-repeat;\n\tbackground-size:100%;\n margin:10px;\n padding:10px;\n\tfont-weight:bold;\n\ttext-shadow:3px 3px black;\n\tfont-family: 'Press Start 2P', sans-serif !important;\n}\n#sidebar {\ndisplay:none !important;\n }\n\n.menu {\ndisplay:none !important;\n}\n\n#credits, #titleSeparator {\n display:none !important;\n}\ntd, th\n{\npadding:10px 20px !important;\nborder:0 !important;\nfont-family: 'Press Start 2P', cursive !important;\n}\ntable{\nborder:0 !important;\n}\n}\nimg\n{\nborder:0 !important;\npadding:0 !important;\nmargin:0 !important;\n}\ninput[type=text]\n{\nfont-family: 'Press Start 2P', cursive !important;\n}\n@media screen and (max-width: 640px) {\n .passage {\n font-size: 1.25em !important;\nwidth:100%;\n }\n #share, #storyAuthor {\n display:none !important;\n }\n}\n/* Smartphones (portrait and landscape) ----------- */\n@media only screen \nand (min-device-width : 320px) \nand (max-device-width : 480px) {\n#passages {\n font-size: 1.25em !important;\nwidth:100%;\n }\n}\n\n/* Smartphones (landscape) ----------- */\n@media only screen \nand (min-width : 321px) {\n#passages {\n font-size: 1.25em !important;\nwidth:100%;\n }\n}\n\n/* Smartphones (portrait) ----------- */\n@media only screen \nand (max-width : 320px) {\n#passages {\n font-size: 1.25em !important;\nwidth:100%;\n }\n}\n\n/* iPads (portrait and landscape) ----------- */\n@media only screen \nand (min-device-width : 768px) \nand (max-device-width : 1024px) {\n#passages {\n font-size: 1.25em !important;\nwidth:100%;\n }\n}\n\n/* iPads (landscape) ----------- */\n@media only screen \nand (min-device-width : 768px) \nand (max-device-width : 1024px) \nand (orientation : landscape) {\n#passages {\n font-size: 1.25em !important;\nwidth:100%;\n }\n}\n\n/* iPads (portrait) ----------- */\n@media only screen \nand (min-device-width : 768px) \nand (max-device-width : 1024px) \nand (orientation : portrait) {\n#passages {\n font-size: 1.25em !important;\nwidth:100%;\n }\n}stylesheet
<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss background">><<else>><<display "enemy image">><<endif>>\n<<set $hit = 15 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*6)>><<set $enemyHealth -= $hit>><<set $bossHealth -= $hit>><<set $points += $hit>>You STAB the spider with the tooth. It's gross! //-<<$hit>>//\n<<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*(9-$level)) eq 1>>You accidentally dropped the tooth and lost it.<<silently>><<set $tooth -= 2>><<set $inv.splice($inv.indexOf(" [[a tooth]]"),1)>><<endsilently>><<endif>>\n<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss hit">><<else>><<display "enemy hit">><<endif>>
<<set $diceroll = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 5)>><<set $money = $money + $diceroll>><<set $arrowhead -= 2>><<set $inv.splice($inv.indexOf(" [[a Native American arrowhead]]"),1)>>You found $<<$diceroll>> in the teacher's desk. Unfortunately, you broke the arrowhead in the process.\n\n<<display "Building A">>
<<unmutesound "audio/track3.mp3">><<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*2) eq 1>><<playsound "audio/sfx1.mp3">><<else>><<playsound "audio/sfx2.mp3">><<endif>>SUDDENLY THE FLOOR COLLAPSES!!! You have fallen into a cave beneath the school! There's no way to climb out.\n<<display "cave01">><<set $level = 2>><<set $firstaidkit = 1>>
by Justin Riley
<<set $bossback = Math.ceil(Math.random()*9)>><<if $bossback eq 1>><<display "peacockspider1">><<endif>><<if $bossback eq 2>><<display "peacockspider2">><<endif>><<if $bossback eq 3>><<display "peacockspider3">><<endif>><<if $bossback eq 4>><<display "peacockspider4">><<endif>><<if $bossback eq 5>><<display "peacockspider5">><<endif>><<if $bossback eq 6>><<display "peacockspider6">><<endif>><<if $bossback eq 7>><<display "peacockspider7">><<endif>><<if $bossback eq 8>><<display "peacockspider8">><<endif>><<if $bossback eq 9>><<display "peacockspider9">><<endif>>
<<setback images/rima8bit.jpg>><<set $roomTracker = "Mr. Remy's Room">><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<display "shakey">>\n<<once>>Mr. Remy's Room is empty.<<becomes>>You are back in Mr. Remy's Room. It is still empty.<<endonce>>\n<<if $randomKeyLocation eq 5>><<if $key eq 0>>\nThere is a large [[key]] on his desk.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if $randomKeyLocation eq 6>><<if $key eq 0>>\nThere is a large [[key]] on his desk.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation+3 eq 6) or ($randomKeyLocation+3 eq 7)>><<if $firstaidkit eq 1>>There is a [[first aid kit]] on his desk.<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $bandaid eq 0>>\nSomeone's used [[bandaid]] is on the floor. It looks pretty gross.\n<<endif>>\n<<display "pick1">><<endif>>
<img src="images/sundown3.gif">\nby Justin Riley\n\nClick [[here|Name]] to begin\n<<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*2) eq 1>><<playsound "audio/sfx1.mp3">><<else>><<playsound "audio/sfx2.mp3">><<endif>>\n<<set $points = 0>>\n<<set $roomCounter = 0>>\n<<set $scissors = 0>>\n<<set $armor = 0>>\n<<set $tooth = 0>>\n<<set $arrowhead = 0>>\n<<set $stapler = 0>>\n<<set $key = 0>>\n<<set $bandaid = 0>>\n<<set $tissues = 0>>\n<<set $gymsocks = 0>>\n<<set $hammer = 0>>\n<<set $randomKeyLocation = Math.ceil(Math.random() * 12)>>\n<<set $inv = [] >>\n<<set $money = 0>>\n<<set $health = 100>>\n<<set $enemyHealth = 20>>\n<<set $level = 1>>\n<<set $whacks = 0>>\n<<set $owlcall = 0>>\n<<set $attackpause = 5>>\n<<set $bossHealth = 100>>\n<<set $firstaidkit = 1>>\n<<set $hint = 1>>\n<<set $randomHint = Math.ceil(Math.random()*9)>>\n<<set $time = new Date().getTime()>>\n<<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*2) eq 1>><<set $punch = 5>><<set $kick = 1>><<else>><<set $punch = 1>><<set $kick = 5>><<endif>>
<<setback images/kelly8bit.jpg>><<set $roomTracker = "Mr. Kelley's Room">><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<display "shakey">>\n<<once>>Mr. Kelley's Room is empty.<<becomes>>You are back in Mr. Kelley's Room. It is still empty.<<endonce>>\n<<if $randomKeyLocation eq 9>><<if $key eq 0>>\nThere is a large [[key]] on his desk.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if $randomKeyLocation eq 10>><<if $key eq 0>>\nThere is a large [[key]] on his desk.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation+3 eq 10) or ($randomKeyLocation+3 eq 11)>><<if $firstaidkit eq 1>>There is a [[first aid kit]] on his desk.<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $gymsocks eq 0>>\nSomeone's sweaty [[gym socks]] are on the floor. They smell really bad.\n<<endif>>\n<<display "pick1">><<endif>>
"An alate flying ant, or princess, is a winged, young queen. Princesses take to the skies to mate on a warm, humid summers day also known as the nuptial flight. Once mated, they scurry along the ground to find a suitable nesting place to lay their eggs."\n\n"Several species of spider including Achaearanea Wau and Anelosimus Eximius swarm in an analogous way to ants, bees and wasps."\n\n<<return>>
<<if visited(passage()) eq 1>><<silently>><<set $scissors = 1>><<set $inv.push(" [[a pair of scissors]]")>><<endsilently>>\nYou pick up the scissors and put them in your pocket.\n[[Return]]<<set $points += 100>><<endif>>
// Places the variables (given as parameters) into the Google Forms text input field.\nmacros['googleForms'] = \n{\n\thandler: function (place, macroName, params, parser)\n\t{\n\t\t//Enter the ID of the first Google Forms text input field here.\n\t\ta = place.querySelector("#entry_892881495");\n\t\ta.value = eval(Wikifier.parse(params[0]));\n\t\t//Enter the ID of the second Google Forms text input field here.\n\t\tb = place.querySelector("#entry_515172766");\n\t\tb.value = eval(Wikifier.parse(params[1]));\n\t}\n};\n
<<if $inv.length gt 0>>\nYou have:<<print $inv>>\n<<endif>>
<<setback images/shazia8bit.jpg>><<set $roomTracker = "Mr. Randy's Room">><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*5) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<display "shakey">>\n<<once>>Mr. Randy's Room is empty.<<becomes>>You are back in Mr. Randy's Room. It is still empty.<<endonce>>\n<<if $randomKeyLocation eq 4>><<if $key eq 0>>\nThere is a large [[key]] on his desk.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation+3 eq 4) or ($randomKeyLocation+3 eq 5)>><<if $firstaidkit eq 1>>There is a [[first aid kit]] on his desk.<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $stapler eq 0>>\nThere is a [[stapler]] on his desk.\n<<endif>>\n<<display "pick1">><<endif>>
<<display "enemy image">><<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*2) eq 1>><<playsound "audio/sfx1.mp3">><<else>><<playsound "audio/sfx2.mp3">><<endif>>\nA giant spider crawls out of the shadows!\n<<display "enemy hit">>
<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss background">><<else>><<display "enemy image">><<endif>>\n<<set $hit = 24 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*26)>><<set $enemyHealth -= $hit>><<set $bossHealth -= $hit>><<set $points += $hit>><img src="images/owl.gif">\nA MAJESTIC OWL SWOOPS IN AND SLASHES THE SPIDER WITH ITS TALONS. //-<<$hit>>//\n<<if ($level gt 2) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*(2+$level)) eq 1)>>You accidentally dropped the owl call and lost it.<<silently>><<set $owlcall -= 2>><<set $inv.push(" [[an owl call]]")>><<endsilently>><<endif>>\n<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss hit">><<else>><<display "enemy hit">><<endif>>
"An ant-like swarm?" you say interupting him.\n\n"That's right," Mr. Kelley replies. "With [[workers]], [[soldiers]], [[winged alates]], and [[a queen]]."
<<if visited(passage()) eq 1>><<set $inv.splice($inv.indexOf(" [[someone's used bandaid]]"),1)>><<set $heal = 25 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*25)>><<set $points+=$heal>><<set $health += $heal>>//+<<$heal>> health//<<endif>>\n[[Continue]]
<<if $health lt 200>>Your health is at <<$health>>. Would you like to put the bandaid on your spider bites?\n@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Return]] @@ @@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Use it|heal]]@@\n<<else>>\nYou take the used bandaid out of your pocket, but you can't use it right now, so you put it back in your pocket.[[Return]]\n<<endif>>
<<if $bossHealth gt 0>><<set $enemyHit = Math.ceil(Math.random()*10)+Math.ceil(Math.random()*10)>><<set $points += $enemyHit*2>>@@color:red;THE SPIDER QUEEN BITES YOU! //-<<$enemyHit>>//@@<<set $health -= $enemyHit>>\nYou have <<$health>> health.\n<<if $health gt 0>><<display "use weapon">><<else>><<display "died">><<endif>><<else>>YOU HAVE DEFEATED THE SPIDER QUEEN! //+1000 pts//\n[[Continue|You Win]]<<set $points += 1000>><<endif>>
<<setback images/peacockspider5.gif>>
<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss background">><<else>><<display "enemy image">><<endif>>\n<<set $hit = 15 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*6)>><<set $enemyHealth -= $hit>><<set $bossHealth -= $hit>><<set $points += $hit>>You SHOOT STAPLES at the spider! //-<<$hit>>//\n<<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*(9-$level)) eq 1>>You're out of staples.<<silently>><<set $stapler -= 2>><<set $inv.splice($inv.indexOf(" [[a stapler]]"),1)>><<endsilently>><<endif>>\n<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss hit">><<else>><<display "enemy hit">><<endif>>
(function () {\n "use strict";\n version.extensions['soundMacros'] = {\n major: 1,\n minor: 1,\n revision: 2\n };\n var p = macros['playsound'] = {\n soundtracks: {},\n handler: function (a, b, c, d) {\n var loop = function (m) {\n if (m.loop == undefined) {\n m.loopfn = function () {\n this.play();\n };\n m.addEventListener('ended', m.loopfn, 0);\n } else m.loop = true;\n m.play();\n };\n var s = eval(d.fullArgs());\n if (s) {\n s = s.toString();\n var m = this.soundtracks[s.slice(0, s.lastIndexOf("."))];\n if (m) {\n if (b == "playsound") {\n m.play();\n } else if (b == "loopsound") {\n loop(m);\n } else if (b == "pausesound") {\n m.pause();\n } else if (b == "unloopsound") {\n if (m.loop != undefined) {\n m.loop = false;\n } else if (m.loopfn) {\n m.removeEventListener('ended', m.loopfn);\n delete m.loopfn;\n }\n } else if (b == "stopsound") {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n} else if (b == "mutesound") {\n m.volume = 0;\n} else if (b == "unmutesound") {\n m.volume = 1;\n } else if (b == "fadeoutsound" || b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.interval) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (b == "fadeinsound") {\n if (m.currentTime>0) return;\n m.volume = 0;\n loop(m);\n } else {\n if (!m.currentTime) return;\n m.play();\n }\n var v = m.volume;\n m.interval = setInterval(function () {\n v = Math.min(1, Math.max(0, v + 0.005 * (b == "fadeinsound" ? 1 : -1)));\n m.volume = Math.easeInOut(v);\n if (v == 0 || v == 1) clearInterval(m.interval);\n if (v == 0) {\n m.pause();\n m.currentTime = 0;\n m.volume = 1;\n }\n }, 10);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n macros['fadeinsound'] = p;\n macros['fadeoutsound'] = p;\n macros['unloopsound'] = p;\n macros['loopsound'] = p;\n macros['pausesound'] = p;\n macros['stopsound'] = p;\n macros['mutesound'] = p;\n macros['unmutesound'] = p;\n macros['stopallsound'] = {\n handler: function () {\n var s = macros.playsound.soundtracks;\n for (var j in s) {\n\t\tif (s.hasOwnProperty(j)) {\n s[j].pause();\n if (s[j].currentTime) {\n\t\t s[j].currentTime = 0;\n\t\t }\n\t\t}\n }\n }\n }\n var div = document.getElementById("storeArea").firstChild;\n var fe = ["ogg", "mp3", "m4a", "wav", "webm"];\n while (div) {\n var b = String.fromCharCode(92);\n var q = '"';\n var re = "['" + q + "]([^" + q + "']*?)" + b + ".(ogg|mp3|m4a|wav|webm)['" + q + "]";\n k(new RegExp(re, "gi"));\n div = div.nextSibling;\n }\n\n function k(c, e) {\n do {\n var d = c.exec(div.innerHTML);\n if (d) {\n var a = new Audio();\n if (a.canPlayType) {\n for (var i = -1; i < fe.length; i += 1) {\n if (i >= 0) d[2] = fe[i];\n if (a.canPlayType("audio/" + d[2])) break;\n }\n if (i < fe.length) {\n a.setAttribute("src", d[1] + "." + d[2]);\n a.interval = null;\n macros.playsound.soundtracks[d[1]] = a;\n } else console.log("Browser can't play '" + d[1] + "'");\n }\n }\n } while (d);\n }\n}());
<<if $roomTracker eq "Mr Kelley tied up">>You try using the sledge hammer to pry apart the silk, but it's no use. Maybe you could try to use something sharp to cut through the rope-like silk? [[Return]]<<else>><<if $roomTracker eq "cave12">><<if $whacks eq 2>>CRUNCH! You whack the boulder with the sledge hammer and the entire boulder crumbles!\n[[Continue through the tunnel|cave13]]<<set $whacks +=1>><<unmutesound "audio/track5.mp3">><<set $level = 3>><<endif>><<if $whacks eq 1>>CRASH! You whack the boulder with the sledge hammer and a large chunk of it breaks off. One more good hit should break it apart!\n<<display "cave12">><<set $whacks +=1>><<endif>><<if $whacks eq 0>>CLANG! You whack the boulder with the sledge hammer and a small crack appears.\n<<display "cave12">><<set $whacks +=1>><<endif>>\n<<else>>\nYou try banging the sledge hammer on everything, but nothing happens.\n[[Return]]\n<<endif>><<endif>>
"Queen ants are the largest in the colony," he adds. "They're about double the size of the smallest minor workers and significantly larger than the major workers. Her third segment is notably longer and fatter than her second segment, all the better with which to lay eggs."\n\n"She'll be easy to spot, but not-so-easy to defeat," you acknowledge.\n\n"[[Take this]]," says Mr. Kelley.
<<if visited(passage()) eq 1>><<silently>><<set $tissues = 1>><<set $inv.push(" [[some snot-filled tissues]]")>><<endsilently>>\nYou pick up the tissues and put them in your pocket.\n[[Return]]<<set $points += 100>><<endif>>
//changes the background image\nmacros['setback'] =\n{\nhandler: function (place, macroName, params, parser)\n{\ndocument.body.style.backgroundImage = 'url('+params[0]+')';\n}\n};
<<setback images/peacockspider4.gif>>
<<setback images/peacockspider7.gif>>
<<setback images/peacockspider6.gif>>
<<setback images/peacockspider1.gif>>
<<setback>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "Mr Kelley tied up">><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>>The spider silk is sticky and very strong. Mr. Kelley is mumbling something but his mouth is covered and you can't understand.\n\n[[Try to tear apart the spider silk|Silk]]\n[[Tell Mr. Kelley, "I'll come back & save you later"|cave14]]\n\n<<display "you have">><<endif>>
<<setback images/peacockspider3.gif>>
<<setback images/peacockspider2.gif>>
<<setback images/peacockspider9.gif>>
<<if $enemyHealth gt 0>><<set $enemyHit = Math.ceil(Math.random()*3)+Math.ceil(Math.random()*3)>>@@color:red;THE SPIDER BITES YOU! //-<<$enemyHit>>//@@<<set $health -= $enemyHit>><<set $points += $enemyHit>>\nYou have <<$health>> health.\n<<if $health gt 0>><<display "use weapon">><<else>><<display "died">><<endif>><<else>>You have defeated the spider. //+100 pts//\n[[Continue]]<<endif>>
<<if visited(passage()) eq 1>><<silently>><<set $arrowhead = 1>><<set $inv.push(" [[a Native American arrowhead]]")>><<endsilently>>\nYou pick up the arrowhead and put it in your pocket.\n[[Return]]<<set $points += 100>><<endif>>
<<if $roomTracker eq "Mr Kelley tied up">>You try using the stapler to pry apart the silk, but it's just too strong. Maybe you could try to use something sharp to cut through the rope-like silk? [[Return]]<<else>><<if $roomTracker is "cave12">>You try smacking the stapler against the boulder but it's no use. You need to hit the boulder with something big and heavy!<<if $hammer is 0>> Keep exploring the cave and maybe you'll find something!<<endif>> [[Return]]<<else>>\nYou take the stapler out of your pocket, but you can't use it, so you put it back in your pocket.[[Return]]\n<<endif>><<endif>>
<<stopallsound>><<loopsound "audio/youwin.mp3">><<setback images/youwin.gif>>@@color:#00FF00;font-size:20px;You have saved Sundown Academy from the evil spiders!\nAs a reward, you have been named "STUDENT OF THE MONTH"\nGreat job <<$name>>!\n\n<<display "score">>@@
Where would you like to go?\n|<<if passage() neq "Miss Abigail's Room">>[[Miss Abigail's Room]]<<endif>>|<<if passage() neq "Miss McKayla's Room">>[[Miss McKayla's Room]]<<endif>>|\n|<<if passage() neq "Mr. Shaquille's Room">>[[Mr. Shaquille's Room]]<<endif>>|<<if passage() neq "Mr. Randy's Room">>[[Mr. Randy's Room]]<<endif>>|\n|<<if passage() neq "Mr. Remy's Room">>[[Mr. Remy's Room]]<<endif>>|<<if passage() neq "Mr. Tubman's Room">>[[Mr. Tubman's Room]]<<endif>>|\n|<<if passage() neq "Mr. Kelley's Room">>[[Mr. Kelley's Room]]<<endif>>|<<if passage() neq "Mr. Zeke's Room">>[[Mr. Zeke's Room]]<<endif>>|\n<<if $key gt 0>>|[[Principal Redwood's Office]]||<<endif>>\n<<display "you have">>
<<setback images/peacockspider8.gif>>
Mr. Kelley hands you a wooden whistle.\n\nYou look at it with a puzzled expression.\n\n"It's an OWL CALL," says Mr. Kelley. "Owls //love// to eat spiders."\n\nYou finish cutting Mr. Kelley free and [[continue down the tunnel|cave14]].<<if visited(passage()) eq 1>><<silently>><<set $owlcall = 1>><<set $inv.push(" [[an owl call]]")>><<set $points += 1000>><<endsilently>><<endif>>
You try to pull apart the silk as hard as you can, but it's just too strong. Maybe you could try to use something sharp to cut through the rope-like silk?\n[[Return]]
<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss background">><<else>><<display "enemy image">><<endif>>\n<<set $hit = 20 + Math.ceil(Math.random()*10)>><<set $enemyHealth -= $hit>><<set $bossHealth -= $hit>><<set $points += $hit>>You SLASH the spider with the scissors! //-<<$hit>>//\n<<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*(8-$level)) eq 1>>The scissors are broken.<<silently>><<set $scissors -= 2>><<set $inv.splice($inv.indexOf(" [[a pair of scissors]]"),1)>><<endsilently>><<endif>>\n<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss hit">><<else>><<display "enemy hit">><<endif>>
<<setback images/cavepanorama12.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave12">><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>>\nThere is a large boulder blocking the path ahead. You could probably break it apart if you used the right tool.\nThere are two un-blocked tunnels. Which way do you want to go?\n\n[[Left|cave09]]\n[[Right|cave11]]\n\n<<display "you have">><<endif>>
<<setback>>There is something strange ahead in the tunnel. It looks like a caterpillar or a mummy or something...\n\nAs you get closer you realize that it's Mr. Kelley, the science teacher! He has been tied up with spider silk!\n\n[["Don't worry Mr. Kelley, I'm gonna rescue you!"|Mr Kelley tied up]]
<<setback images/cavepanorama10.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave10">><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<if $randomKeyLocation eq 10>><<if $hammer eq 0>>There is a large [[sledge hammer]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation eq 7) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 8)>><<if $firstaidkit eq 1>>There is a [[first aid kit]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation eq 5) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 6) or ($randomKeyLocation eq 2)>><<if $hint eq 1>>There is a [[piece of paper|hint]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>>There are three tunnels. Which way do you want to go?\n\n[[Left|cave08]]\n[[Right|cave07]]\n[[Middle|cave03]]\n\n<<display "you have">><<endif>>
<<setback images/cavepanorama11.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave11">><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*4) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<if $randomKeyLocation eq 11>><<if $hammer eq 0>>There is a large [[sledge hammer]] on the floor.\n<<endif>><<endif>>There are three tunnels. Which way do you want to go?\n\n[[Left|cave12]]\n[[Right|cave06]]\n[[Middle|cave05]]\n\n<<display "you have">><<endif>>
<<setback images/cave16.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave16">><<display "fight">>
<<loopsound "audio/track1.mp3">><<loopsound "audio/track2.mp3">><<loopsound "audio/track3.mp3">><<loopsound "audio/track4.mp3">><<loopsound "audio/track5.mp3">><<mutesound "audio/track5.mp3">><<mutesound "audio/track4.mp3">><<mutesound "audio/track3.mp3">><<mutesound "audio/track2.mp3">><<set $name = prompt("What's your name?")>><<display "Building A">>
<<setback images/cave14.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave14">><<display "fight">>
<<setback images/cave15.jpg>><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<set $roomTracker = "cave15">><<display "fight">>
<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss background">><<else>><<display "enemy image">><<endif>>\n<<set $hit = $kick + Math.ceil(Math.random()*6)>><<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*8) eq 1>>You tried to KICK to but you missed!<<else>><<set $bossHealth -= $hit>><<set $enemyHealth -= $hit>><<set $points += $hit>>You KICK the spider! //-<<$hit>>//<<endif>>\n<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss hit">><<else>><<display "enemy hit">><<endif>>
@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Punch|use punch]] @@ @@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Kick|use kick]] @@ <<if $scissors gt 0>>@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Scissors|use scissors]] @@ <<endif>><<if $arrowhead gt 0>>@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Arrowhead|use arrowhead]] @@ <<endif>><<if $stapler gt 0>>@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Stapler|use stapler]] @@ <<endif>><<if $tooth gt 0>>@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Tooth|use tooth]] @@ <<endif>><<if $tissues gt 0>>@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Tissues|use tissues]] @@ <<endif>><<if $bandaid gt 0>>@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Bandaid|use bandaid]] @@ <<endif>><<if $gymsocks gt 0>>@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Socks|use gym socks]] @@ <<endif>><<if $hammer gt 0>>@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Hammer|use sledge hammer]] @@ <<endif>><<if $owlcall gt 0>>@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Owl Call|use owl call]] @@ <<endif>>
<<set $enemyHealth = $roomCounter * 2.5>><<if $level eq 1>><<set $attackpause = $roomCounter+3>><<setback images/buildinga8bit.jpg>><<display "shakey">>\nYou are standing in the hallway of Building A at Sundown Academy.\n<<display "pick1">><<else>><<if $level eq 2>><<set $attackpause = $roomCounter+2>><<if $roomTracker is "cave01">><<display "cave01">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave02">><<display "cave02">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave03">><<display "cave03">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave04">><<display "cave04">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave05">><<display "cave05">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave06">><<display "cave06">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave07">><<display "cave07">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave08">><<display "cave08">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave09">><<display "cave09">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave10">><<display "cave10">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave11">><<display "cave11">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave12">><<display "cave12">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "Mr Kelley tied up">><<display "Mr Kelley tied up">><<endif>><<else>><<if $level eq 3>><<if $roomTracker is "Mr Kelley tied up">><<display "Mr Kelley tied up">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave16">><<display "cave17">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave15">><<display "cave16">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave14">><<display "cave15">><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>
<<if $roomTracker is "Building A">><<display "Building A">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "Miss Abigail's Room">><<display "Miss Abigail's Room">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "Miss McKayla's Room">><<display "Miss McKayla's Room">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "Mr. Shaquille's Room">><<display "Mr. Shaquille's Room">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "Mr. Randy's Room">><<display "Mr. Randy's Room">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "Mr. Remy's Room">><<display "Mr. Remy's Room">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "Mr. Tubman's Room">><<display "Mr. Tubman's Room">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "Mr. Kelley's Room">><<display "Mr. Kelley's Room">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "Mr. Zeke's Room">><<display "Mr. Zeke's Room">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave01">><<display "cave01">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave02">><<display "cave02">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave03">><<display "cave03">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave04">><<display "cave04">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave05">><<display "cave05">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave06">><<display "cave06">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave07">><<display "cave07">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave08">><<display "cave08">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave09">><<display "cave09">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave10">><<display "cave10">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave11">><<display "cave11">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "cave12">><<display "cave12">><<endif>><<if $roomTracker is "Mr Kelley tied up">><<display "Mr Kelley tied up">><<endif>>
<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss background">><<else>><<display "enemy image">><<endif>>\n<<set $hit = $punch + Math.ceil(Math.random()*6)>><<if Math.ceil(Math.random()*8) eq 1>>You tried to PUNCH it but you missed!<<else>><<set $bossHealth -= $hit>><<set $enemyHealth -= $hit>><<set $points += $hit>>You PUNCH the spider! //-<<$hit>>//<<endif>>\n<<if $level is 4>><<display "boss hit">><<else>><<display "enemy hit">><<endif>>
You died.\n\nTHE END\n\n<<display "score">>
<<if ($roomTracker is "Miss Abigail's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Miss McKayla's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Mr. Shaquille's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Mr. Randy's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Mr. Remy's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Mr. Tubman's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Mr. Kelley's Room" ) or ($roomTracker is "Mr. Zeke's Room" )>>\nUse the arrowhead to try to open the teacher's desk?\n@@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Return]] @@ @@margin:0 0 0 30px;[[Use it|pry arrowhead]] @@\n<<else>><<if $roomTracker is "cave12">>You try to use the arrowhead to chip away at the boulder but it's no use. You need to hit the boulder with something big and heavy!<<if $hammer is 0>> Keep exploring the cave and maybe you'll find something!<<endif>> [[Return]]<<else>><<if $roomTracker is "Mr Kelley tied up">><<display "Free Mr Kelley with arrowhead">><<else>>You take the Native American arrowhead out of your pocket. You can't use it, so you put it back in your pocket.[[Return]]\n<<endif>><<endif>><<endif>>
<<setback images/mccall8bit.jpg>><<set $roomTracker = "Miss McKayla's Room">><<set $roomCounter += 1>><<if ($roomCounter gt $attackpause) and (Math.ceil(Math.random()*5) eq 1)>><<display "fight">><<else>><<display "shakey">>\n<<once>>Miss McKayla's Room is empty.<<becomes>>You are back in Miss McKayla's Room and it's still empty.<<endonce>>\n<<if $randomKeyLocation eq 2>><<if $key eq 0>>\nThere is a large [[key]] on her desk.\n<<endif>><<endif>><<if ($randomKeyLocation+3 eq 14) or ($randomKeyLocation+3 eq 15)>><<if $firstaidkit eq 1>>There is a [[first aid kit]] on her desk.<<endif>><<endif>>\n<<if $arrowhead eq 0>>\nThere is a Native American [[arrowhead]] on her desk.\n<<endif>>\n<<display "pick1">><<endif>>
<<if visited(passage()) eq 1>><<silently>><<set $tooth = 1>><<set $inv.push(" [[a tooth]]")>><<endsilently>>\nYou pick up the tooth and put it in your pocket.\n[[Return]]<<set $points += 100>><<endif>>
<<if visited(passage()) eq 1>><<silently>><<set $armor = 1>><<set $health += 50>><<set $inv.push(" a coat of armor")>><<endsilently>>\nYou put on the medival coat of armor. Fortunately, it fits! This should help protect you. You walk out of the room. *CLANG CLANG CLANG*<<set $points += 100>><<endif>>\n<<display "Building A">>
<<if visited(passage()) eq 1>><<silently>><<set $bandaid = 1>><<set $inv.push(" [[someone's used bandaid]]")>><<endsilently>>\nYou pick up the bandaid and put it in your pocket.\n[[Return]]<<set $points += 100>><<endif>>